Innovation projects
Collaborate to unlock innovation
We support company driven innovation with grants
Danish Sound Cluster has raised funds to support sound-related innovation in collaborations between companies. As a Danish entrepreneur or SME, you can obtain up to DKK 75.000 in grants per company pr. innovation project.
With this support, we help you to:
- Develop new and ground-breaking solutions
- Create valuable collaborations with other stakeholders
- Expand your network and strengthen relationships in the industry
What do we mean by innovation?
We see innovation in its broadest sense. It can include:
- Concepts for new products or solutions
- Product and process innovation
- Marketing innovation
- Organizational innovation

Contact us already today to discuss your idea for a sound project!
Send a mail to Tinne Midtgaard ( or call 3049 7846
Who can participate in an innovation project?
- At least 2 Danish entrepreneurs and/or SMEs (the SME requirement is primarily max. 250 employees)
- Larger or foreign companies are also welcome to participate, but cannot receive financial support
How does Danish Sound Cluster help you succeed with your project?
The Danish Sound Cluster secretariat helps with the initial discussions and sparring on the project idea, guidance on the application process and project initiation meeting. We take care of the formal administrative details in relation to time registration and reporting.
In addition, we can (if agreed) contribute with:
- Advice on concept/idea development
- Quality assurance of project proposals
- Matchmaking with partners
- Project initiation, coordination and follow-up meetings
How do you and your business get started?
- Call or write to us for initial sparring and guidance
- Find partner(s) (other SMEs or entrepreneurs)
- Define the project's content in cooperation with your partner(s)
How do you search?
- Download application form and send to
- Please be aware of meeting the formal requirements for timeframe, activities, partner(s) and brief project description.
What is the process of assessment and selection?
- The secretariat screens for formal requirements and submits applications – Is the innovation potential satisfactory?
- DSC's assessment committee votes – Initiation or reasoned rejection?
- All applicants will receive a reply by email. In case of rejection, the applicant receives written feedback
- It is possible to resubmit an application for the same project at a later point of time. Consideration will be given to changes in the project description based on the feedback received.
What do you do in case of an approved project?
- Participate in the start-up meeting with us and the other project partners. Here we go!
- Sign cooperation agreement – de minimis declaration
- Submit [timesheets] every month
- Submit final report at the end of the project
- Agree with us how project funds are paid out
Which deadlines should I be aware of?
- The assessment committee evaluates applications on an ongoing basis
- Submit your application no later than March 13th at 12.00
- Projects are preferably completed by the end of June 2025
- Max support net per SME in the form of salary funds: DKK 75.000
- De minimis use per SME: DKK 164.008
- Co-financing hours per SME: 325 hours
- Please contact us for further details on the formalities.