Knowledge bridge projects

Take part in a knowledge bridge project, get access to the latest research and get ahead of developments

Get funding for a knowledge bridge project and gain access to new knowledge

Danish Sound Cluster has the option of granting funds for industry-driven knowledge bridge projects and applied research. Would you like to join?

What is a knowledge bridge project? 

A knowledge bridge project builds bridges between companies and knowledge institutions. Here, specialized knowledge is converted into new ideas, and the project aims to strengthen innovation and growth potential through an interaction between knowledge institutions and companies - and takes the companies' needs as a starting point.

The project can be within e.g. technology development, feasibility studies, analyses, etc. You can get inspiration by looking at ongoing knowledge bridge projects.

Knowledge institutions, such as GTS institutes and universities, receive funds to provide technological assistance to sound technology companies, which are thus helped further with the innovation ideas.

In a knowledge bridge project, you and your company can thus: 

  • Define a sound-related issue that you want to work on
  • Fund a researcher for a period of time
  • Access the results and use them afterwards
  • Create networks and contacts in research environments and to other companies
  • Form the background for new collaborations, e.g. new / major innovation projects
  • Participate in presenting the project's results in, for example, a webinar, at a conference or in written communication

Contact us to discuss your idea for a sound project!

We can help you define the project, find potential partners and give you sparring on filling in the application and budget. We can also answer questions about the requirements we set for granting funds for your project.

The knowledge bridge projects are sponsored by

Useful templates can be downloaded here:

Application form – HERE

Grant commitment – HERE

Cooperation agreement – HERE

Allocation of projects – HERE

Template for time registration – HERE

Final Report – HERE



At least one Danish knowledge institution (a university or a GTS institute) and two companies participate in each project. 

At least one of the participating companies must be a Danish SME (max 250 employees - max turnover EUR 50 million or max balance EUR 43 million and no "non-SME" may own more than 25% of the company (further details on SMEs are available HERE).

Foreign companies are also welcome to participate.


Projects in sound technology:

  • Implementation of R&D activities, e.g. applied research, development and demonstration 
  • Preliminary projects and feasibility studies, as a prelude to a larger research and development project 
  • Identification of user needs and/or exploration of market opportunities  
  • Communication and knowledge sharing 


You can apply for support of DKK 100-300.000 to cover the knowledge institutions' salary costs.  

The companies contribute with working hours.

The partners in the project enter into a cooperation agreement in which goals, success criteria and expected effects as well as rights to results for the project appear. 

Submit a short project description with budget and hourly budget and proposals for dissemination activities.


Submit your application before the end of each quarter. 

The secretariat and the steering group process the applications and provide answers approx. one month after the expiry of the deadline. 

The project must start in the following quarter after acceptance of the project.

The project must be completed no later than 6-12 months after you have been granted project funds 

The pool is currently closed, but expected to open again at the end of May 2025.

Project manager Tinne Midtgaard – tel. 30 49 78 46

Danish Sound Cluster

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