Music for Dementia

Many people face a long-term development process with dementia, where togetherness and support are essential. We need solutions that can improve the lives of people with dementia, along with their families, carers and healthcare providers. Music has proven to be a key solution.

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As music has been shown to have a positive impact on people with dementia, Danish Sound Cluster believes that it is crucial to bring together different partners such as politicians, NGOs, researchers and industries.

We want to collaborate on creating new and creative solutions. Many companies in our network are already brainstorming ideas and working on solutions. It is important to give these solutions the attention they deserve, showcase them and ensure they are put into practice and made available on the market.

That is why Danish Sound Cluster joined the Music Can initiative. We are excited to see the growth of this project and hope to see it expand to more initiatives in the future.

Music has shown remarkable benefits for memory and general well-being. It has the power to lift moods, relieve anxiety, and even trigger cherished memories. This is why music deserves a significant role in dementia health care and should be integrated into national health plans for dementia patients.

From music therapy and singing lessons to attending concerts or just enjoying the radio, these are just some of the ways music can help.
That is exactly why Danish Sound Cluster is excited to be part of the Music Can project. We are keen to showcase Danish companies that use sound and technology to develop solutions that improve the quality of life for people with dementia, their relatives and their relatives.

About the "Music Can" project 

A new platform called Music Can has been launched that aims to revolutionize dementia care using music and sound. Universal Studios is behind this worthwhile project and you can find the platform at

The UK will be the first to try this platform, acting as a test market before it becomes available worldwide. The plan is to launch and promote it to global health systems, caregivers and private health organizations.

The platform is about having a holistic approach to well-being and health care for people with dementia. It brings together patient information, therapeutic treatments and the power of music. By doing this, it ensures that people with dementia, their families and carers have access to a single platform packed with useful information, resources, treatments and music suggestions.

Danish Sound Cluster has teamed up with the Trade Council in Great Britain and Denmark, as well as music consultant Alan Mash, all thanks to an invitation from the "Music Can" initiative.

A group of Danish companies that offer services and solutions for people living with dementia were invited to be part of this project. A total of ten companies have joined and participated in three workshops during spring 2023. Two of these workshops took place at Lydens Hus in Copenhagen, while the third took place at the Danish embassy in London.

Participating companies:

Codezo, Hindenburg, Melocura, MuseIQ, Neuorora, Platin Gate, Sound box, Sound made, Sound wheel, Vibroacoustics. 

Project partners: 
Trade Council UK, Trade Council DK, DK Tech Global, Universal Records.

Are you interested in hearing more about this project?

Do not hesitate to contact the Project Manager Tinne Midtgaard, – tel. 3049 7846

Music and dementia

Music has been shown to help with memory and well-being. It can improve mood, reduce anxiety and even bring back memories. Therefore, music must be part of the dementia healthcare system and form part of the national health plan for people with dementia. Whether it's music therapy, singing lessons, attending concerts or simply listening to the radio, there are many ways music can be used. That is why Danish Sound Cluster is excited to be part of the Music Can project. We want to showcase Danish companies that use sound and technology to create solutions that increase the well-being and quality of life for people with dementia, their relatives and relatives.

Relevant links 

Danish Sound Cluster

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