SoundTech startup community celebration, including talk on advisory boards

Date: 7 December 2022

Time: 17.00 – 20.00

Place: (in-person participants): Lydens Hus, Gl. Kongevej 11, Copenhagen

Canteen on the 1st floor

Price: free – but you can support our work by signing a membership. PLEASE SIGN UP so we can order enough food and drinks.

Language: English / Danish

Event partner: The sound Hus – a community of sound entrepreneurs

Catering: Tapas, beer and other cold refreshments

Target groups: Everyone in the SoundTech startup community works in startups, but also profiles curious to join an advisory board or support startups in other ways. 

Let's celebrate 2022! It has already been a year since we started this network! Along the way gathering sound tech entrepreneurs for group activities, we were fortunate to meet industry and research profiles who offered to contribute to the development of up-coming companies in the sound industry. This is the occasion you shouldn't miss, to come and celebrate a year of fruitful meetings, talks, networking, pitching and incubation activities. We also invite you to share your ideas for relevant sound-related activities for 2023! 

Talk (the serious part): We will start with a short talk and facilitated discussion on the question "How can an advisory board contribute to your startup". We will meet an experienced advisory profile, hear from audio startups from the community, how working with an advisory board can be helpful, what it requires, but also which pitfalls to avoid. We invite profiles from startups at all stages to join and share their own considerations and experiences, and probably see their journey from a new perspective. And – just before we serve the first beer – potential advisor profiles will have the opportunity to (briefly) present themselves and hopefully connect with participants for future collaboration. 


17-18.15: Talk on advisory boards 

As a startup, it's often a struggle to prioritize your time and make sure that you and your colleagues focus on developing and testing the right products and/or services. But where to go if you need sparring on business development, funding, investments, financing, sales, marketing, product development, growth, risks...?  

  • Intro city Joel Beilin: What is an advisory board? How can you use it in the development of your startup? 
  • Case stories: Torso Electronics, IDUN Audio, Auricle and more. Experiences and advice. 
  • Advisor's pitch: What are your experiences? Which competencies can you bring to the table in a startup? 

18.15-20.00 SoundTechStartup Community celebration 

If you have questions about:  

    • Signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt at  
    • The content of this network meeting or the profile fit of your startup, please contact Sine Lomholt Thomsen at

Sign up

Participants in this event automatically permit Danish Sound Cluster to use pictures and videos from the event in marketing material that promotes cluster activities. Please contact Murielle De Smedt ( in case you want to withdraw your permission.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovation power 

Danish Sound Cluster

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