Project consortia

Danish Sound Cluster can ensure progress in your project consortium as an impartial 3rd party

Danish Sound Cluster as facilitator of project consortia

The secretariat for the Danish Sound Cluster can, as an impartial 3rd party, bring a project forward and on target, taking into account all the project's partners - both before, during and at the end of the project. In addition, project results often have to be communicated to a larger circle, where we have a good platform for spreading knowledge.  

Examples of roles and activities Danish Sound Cluster can take responsibility for:

Before the project:

  • Initial contact with potential partners
  • Facilitation of partner meetings
  • Dialogue with potential sponsors
  • Co-author on project application

During the project:

  • Project administration
  • Meeting management, including preparation of meeting minutes
  • Follow-up on action plans
  • Profiling of project partners on various media

At the end of the project:

  • Arrange events with dissemination of project results
  • Communication about project results on social media
  • Development and communication of the showcase from the project
  • Identification and outline of subsequent project
Danish Sound Cluster is a gold-certified cluster organisation

In 2023, Danish Sound Cluster achieved gold certification in cluster management based on an audit carried out by The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA)Two independent cluster experts assessed 31 quality indicators and awarded the Danish Sound Cluster a score of 86% (80% is required to pass).

Gold certificate
Contact us if you see a potential project collaboration!

We would very much like to have a completely non-binding dialogue about potential project collaborations - established projects as well as projects under construction. Naturally, it must be about projects that lie in the tension between innovation and sound technology.

Business & Project developer Jens Nedergaard – tel. 31 62 13 15

Danish Sound Cluster

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