Start a project

Participate in an innovation or collaboration project and get at the forefront of developments

Get funds and access to new knowledge through collaboration with others

Danish Sound Cluster supports company-driven innovation projects and applied research – when it comes to sound!
Would you like to join?

The purpose of all projects is to produce new innovative measures within sound. It can be in such different areas as: 

  • Concepts for new products or solutions 
  • Product and process innovation 
  • Marketing innovation 
  • Organizational innovation 

You can get inspiration by looking at current project portfolio.

We work with three project models:

  • Collaborative projects
  • Knowledge bridge projects
  • Project consortia

If you are in doubt about which project model suits your situation best - don't worry, but contact us for advice. 

We were created for just that!

Collaborative project

Is your company considering entering into a collaboration with another company or is there already existing collaboration around new innovative measures within sound? Then maybe a collaborative project is something for you!

Firms that cooperate with other firms are more likely to develop new innovations than firms that do not cooperate. All research-based studies point to this.

Danish Sound Cluster has the opportunity to initiate and contribute to you working together with other companies to produce innovative measures - perhaps in preparation for a larger project. Would you like to join?

There will be a small grant for the purchase of consulting services for each participating company.

Read more about the framework for collaborative projects here.

Knowledge bridge project

Based on the companies' needs, a knowledge bridge project can build a bridge between companies and knowledge institutions (universities, vocational colleges, GTS institutes). Here, specialized knowledge is converted into new ideas, and the project aims to strengthen innovation and growth potential through an interaction between knowledge institutions and companies. This is what you can get out of the project: 

  • Become sharper on a sound-related issue
  • Get a researcher paid for a period of time. Support of DKK 100-300.000 to cover the knowledge institutions' salary costs.
  • Access the results and use them afterwards
  • Create networks and contacts in research environments and to other companies
  • Form the background for new collaborations, e.g. new major innovation projects / project consortia
  • Participate in presenting the project's results in, for example, a webinar, at a conference or in written communication

Read more about the framework for knowledge bridge projects here

Project Consortium

Perhaps you have already gathered a number of partners, but lack a third party to drive the process forward or to convey the project's results? Maybe you are missing the last partner an application with a public or private foundation? 

The secretariat for the Danish Sound Cluster can act as an impartial 3rd party as a project facilitator or project manager and also mediate results. With our extensive experience as a relationship builder and network facilitator, our role will typically be to move a project forward and ensure that it reaches its goal, taking into account all of the project's partners. 

Read more about project consortia og Possible role of DSC here

Contact us to discuss your idea for a sound project!

We can help you define the project, find potential collaboration partners and provide sparring on filling in the application, budget and potential sponsor dialogue. We can also answer questions about the requirements we set for allocating funds for the project, if these are the funds we have at our disposal.

Project manager Tinne Midtgaard – tel. 30 49 78 46

Danish Sound Cluster

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