Project title: Artificial Intelligence for Transport and Envionmental Noise
Noise is a growing problem. Its persistent exposure has been linked to, for example, dementia and heart disease.
Furthermore, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlights road traffic noise as a major source of noise pollution in Denmark. Thus, noise mitigation and monitoring are highly relevant from societal and public health points of view. “Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help with automatic and improved traffic and environmental noise monitoring?”
The project, Artificial Intelligence for Transport and Noise Monitoring (AI4TEN), seeks to answer this question by testing the hypothesis that “state-of-the-art AI models help accurately monitor road transport (e.g., traffic counts) and the induced noise”. We will use deep learning techniques, online and outdoor experimental data, and, when possible, simulated noise data sets to test and develop new models to monitor transport and its noise.
All interested parties are welcome to contact the Project PI, Jibran Khan (Aarhus University, Roskilde).
Start: 15 April 2023
End: 30 November 2023
Funding: 53.000 DKK
Lead Research:
Jibran Khan, PhD, Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University
Danish Sound Cluster professional focus area:
Environmental Sound Solutions

Funded by Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Danish Sound Cluster contact person:
Project Manager Tinne Midtgaard, – tlf. 3049 7846