Auricle Headset e-commerce and marketing innovation

Project title: Auricle Headset e-commerce and marketing innovation



Auricle is a Danish audio startup making bone-conduction headphones.

Auricle is developing their e-commerce for the first time and scale beyond Danish borders. Amazon enables Auricle to quickly test markets in the EU and more. As a starting point, Auricle will test the German market using the e-commerce platform, and based on the results, will then assess viability for further expansion to other amazon markets.

Peter Lous is an experienced amazon e-commerce specialist within B2C sales and will test how to sell Auricle’s new innovative products, of which users have not seen before, and test how to implement marketing strategies for a brand-new product segmentation.

Auricle has made marketing research previously, validating costumer segments and this collaboration will be used to verify that in the real market.


Auricle ApS

Lous ApS


Start: 1 July 2024
End: 30 September 2024

Partners Industry:

Auricle ApS

Lous ApS

Auricle logo rb

Funded by:

Danish Sound Cluster contact person:

Project Manager Tinne Midtgaard, – tlf. 3049 7846

Danish Sound Cluster

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