DSE Career Fair

Date: 20 – 21 March

Time: 10.00 – 16.00

Place: DTU- Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej 101 2800 Kongens Lyngby 

Language: English/Danish

Format: Career Fair

Sign up & price info:  email jn@danishsoundcluster.dk

Join the Danish Sound stand at the DSE fair and attract potential applicants to your company. 

Are you looking for new people for open positions in your company? The DSE fair – the biggest student career fair in Denmark – is a great place to meet and attract talented students to your organization. It is also a great platform for branding your company for future applicants, and potential other collaborators. 

With a harsh competition for STEM talent, it’s not easy to catch the attention of the people you might need. In contrary of other tech fields, the sound industry does not have a  strong brand. That is why Danish Sound Cluster this year has decided to organize a joint “Danish Sound stand” where companies can exhibit their organisations and discuss career opportunities with candidates. In addition, the companies will be part of a promotion video branding the Danish sound industry in general, as well as a treasure hunt at the fair. 

Whether you have regular jobs, internships, student jobs and/or ph.D. positions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to join this initiative! 

Contact Business Developer at Danish Sound Cluster, Jens Nedergaard, jn@danishsoundcluster.dk, +45 3162 1315 

Danish Sound Cluster

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