Together we strengthen the sound industry

Danish Sound Cluster stimulates innovation and growth in the sound industry by strengthening collaboration across research and industry.

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Participate in our activities and get new network contacts, fresh professional knowledge - and maybe even new partners.

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Welcome to the Danish Sound Cluster. We are a member-based association that builds bridges between companies, entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions. Our main purpose is to support innovation and create growth in the Danish sound industry.

Our vision

Let's work together on solutions of the future

Get involved and help bring the latest knowledge into growth, business development and entrepreneurship.

Companies of all sizes

Meet your future customers, suppliers, partners, and gain access to a competent workforce.


Get access to the latest research, meet new talent in the industry and promote yourself to students.

Research and knowledge institutions

Bring your research into play and help your students establish business partnerships.


Participate in networking activities and working groups - whether you are a sound enthusiast, are busy developing and running your business, or want to bring your research to market.

Join us when the Danish sound industry gathers at the annual event, Danish Sound Day. Seek inspiration for your development processes at our professionally focused webinars and seminars.


We are an association for companies of all sizes, start-ups, professionals and knowledge institutions. Have you already signed up?


Matches made


Business participants


Innovation projects


Product ideas

"Massa amet, at pain tellus pellentesque aenean in eget massa tincidunt habitasse volutpat adipiscing sed id sit auctor eu vivamus nulla."
Rie Kold Pripsø
"Massa amet, at pain tellus pellentesque aenean in eget massa tincidunt habitasse volutpat adipiscing sed id sit auctor eu vivamus nulla."
Peter Petersen
Danish Sound Cluster

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