Project title: Interactive Auditory Virtual Reality using Reduced Order Modelling
Description: to improve the sound environment in building design and metaverse applications, an audio-visual multi-sensory test platform where the building designers can create more sustainable buildings by evaluating the designs timely and effectively, was built. This platform enables more holistic multi-sensory evaluations and thus the virtual experience and evaluation will be closer to real life experience through the state-of-the-art VR technologies. The consultants and acoustic manufacturers can communicate with the clients in easier and convincing manners using the VR platform, potentially increasing the awareness and importance of good sound environment too. Improved sound environment will reduce the risk of hearing impairment and other diseases induced by noise and bad acoustics, e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some types of cancers, and the sickness absence from work.
Start: 1 January 2022
End: 30 Juni 2022
Funding: 181.000 DKK
Lead Research:
Cheol-Ho Jeong, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering
Danish Sound Cluster professional focus area:
Further information: HERE
Proof of concept video : press play below

Funded by Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Danish Sound Cluster contact person:
Project Manager Tinne Midtgaard, – tlf. 3049 7846