What’s the problem?
Many of us spend our working lives in large open-plan offices – enormous spaces with a great number of people. There are many reasons as to why this has become the preferred office layout – it saves space and (in principle) improves communication and the opportunity for collaboration between colleagues. In many cases this working environment functions well, but a number of conditions must be under control – the lighting, heating, ventilation, physical layout and of course a shared understanding of behaviour. One of the biggest challenges of larger spaces is the interaction between various sound sources and the often sub-optimal acoustics.
The result is that office workers are frequently disturbed from their work, and they become fatigued more quickly as the brain is constantly processing all of this background noise. We know that workplace efficiency depends on many factors and that some people are more sensitive to noise than others, but for most people, an open layout is not the most efficient environment for concentrated and efficient working.
How can we optimize these working spaces?
There are new tools in the form of standards, guidelines and software for making calculations. These tools support better planning and building of open offices, whilst taking into account other aspects like sustainability.
The Danish Sound Cluster invites you to an in-person seminar where you will hear talks by several industry experts, and be brought up to speed on the latest research and development on acoustics in open offices.
Join us at the Royal Danish Academy for this one-off unique event.
Who is this event for?
Architects, acousticians, architecture students, researchers, architecture companies, consultancy firms, consultants within acoustics, entrepreneurs, the Danish “arbejdstilsynet” and those working with sustainability.