Network meeting & workshop: Communicating your Green Agenda

14th June - 11.30 - 16.00

Location: GN Audio (Jabra), Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

Price: Free

Language: English / Danish

Catering: sandwich, coffee, drinks

How as a company do you position yourself towards the green agenda? Meet Human Shojaee, president of the NGO Sustainary at today’s workshop. You will learn from company cases and get tools on how to communicate about sustainability. These tools might be useful to support your success as change agents/ambassador for sustainability in your organization.

Who is this event for? 

You are an employee or manager in the sound industry, responsible for translating visions of sustainability into concrete initiatives in your business. You are looking for inspiration from how others have approached the task and are willing to share your own knowledge and experiences in this area. 


11.30 Check-in, sandwich, informal networking, presentation round and short introduction to the GN group. 

12.15 Case-stories by Albert Brønd, Mauritz Hekking and Hannah Smith (all from the GN group) 

  • Success stories: Data management and Product LCAs – Cross disciplinary engagement – Sustainable packaging (Legislation and Evolution) 
  • Our top challenges: Internal communication – Supplier data (T2 – T3) – Culture eats strategy for breakfast 

13.00-15.00 Workshop “Communicating your green agenda” – A journey into the future. See description below. 

15.00-15.30 Wrap up, discussions and topics for next meetings in September (Dynaudio, Skanderborg) + B&O host for Nov/Dec – Struer or Lyngby? 

15:30-16.00 Tour of the GN testing labs 

16:00 Goodbye and see you soon! 

You will meet: 

Workshop “Communicating your green agenda”: 

The workshop is led by Human Shojaee. He is the president of the NGO Sustainary, a global non-profit organisation that certifies and scales sustainable technologies to boost green business innovation. 

Human will involve us in a future scenario workshop, as well as share company cases from his work. A couple of days ahead of the meeting, all participants will receive an email with a small task to prepare for the workshop. 

Some of the questions we will touch upon at the workshop will be: 

  • How can companies position themselves towards the green agenda (and avoid green washing)? 
  • What to communicate – in a new reality? (impact, values, etc.) 
  • How to balance the communication between several target groups: customers, co-workers, communities and nature? 
  • How do we communicate in an honest way, “beyond the climate elite”? 
  • What is the importance of involving 3rd parts, get external input, interact with the surroundings? 

 If you have questions about:  

  • Signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt at :  
  • The content of this network meeting or your participant profile, please contact Sine Lomholt Thomsen at

Sign up

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse and Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft 

Danish Sound Cluster

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