Dizziness and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Date: 7 November 2023

Time: 10.45 – 12.00

Place:Center for Hearing and Balance Center, Inge Lehmannvej 8, 2100 København Ø

Price: free

Language: English 

Format: In-person event / guided tour

Catering: Lunch

Sign-up deadline: 1 November 2023

Take a peek in the labs of Copenhagen Hearing and Balance Center, Rigshospitalet 

  • Dizziness and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):

    Louie Rino Rogalla will do a short presentation on how examination of the eyes help doctors assess the inner ear, and how we use this information to automate diagnostics of dizziness. His Ph.D.  is on using computer vision and deep learning of eye-movements in the field of dizziness.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft 

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Danish Sound Cluster

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