Hearing Loss & Dementia

Join us when we present a brand-new study from SDU about the relation between hearing loss and dementia, where the most important study data will be shared, giving perspectives on the effects these results will have on the hearing aid market, product development as well as the user.

Unsplash, Mark Paton

Date: 9 October

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Form: Online Zoom

Price: Free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt: mds@danishsoundcluster.dk

You will meet:

Participant profile: 

Hearing aid professionals, audiologists, audio engineers, product developers, business managers, speech and communication professionals.


Why do we believe there is a connection between cognition impairment and hearing impairment?

That will be the opening question explored, leading us into a brand-new study from SDU by Assistant Professor Manuella Lech Cantuaria and Professor Jesper, where Jesper also will shed light on hearing health in a bigger perspective, where hearing is just one of many aspects to consider in brain health.

Manuella will delve into the most important details of the study and share methods, data and the potential the study involves in lowering the risk for dementia and other cognitive impairment. Jesper will provide us with a clinical perspective with the study, shedding light on when the optimal point of acquiring hearing aids is, since people often have hearing loss earlier than they get hearing aids.

R&D developer at Cochlear Søren Riis will share insights on what this study means for the product development, the hearing aid market and what manufacturers are doing to meet the challenges and needs of the user.

You will meet:

Jesper Hvass Schmidt, Professor and Senior Consultant at SDU

Jesper Hvass Schmidt earned his medical degree from the University of Southern Denmark in 2002 and later became a specialist in ear-nose-throat diseases in 2013. Since his specialist recognition in 2013, Jesper Hvass Schmidt has been employed at the Ear-Nose-Throat/Hearing Clinic at Odense University Hospital, and from 2016 as a senior physician in the same place. Concurrently with his role as chief consultant, Jesper Hvass Schmidt has been affiliated with SDU as associate professor, where he teaches about hearing and balance diseases.

Jesper Hvass Schmidt has a PhD from in hearing loss and hearing problems among classical symphony orchestra musicians in Denmark. The work on hearing damage in musicians led to work on hearing impairments and the implementation of research results in clinical work, where Jesper Hvass Schmidt was instrumental in starting the Clinic for Musician’s Health, an offer at Odense University Hospital for professional musicians.

Manuella Lech Cantuaria, Assistant Professor at SDU and Affiliate Researcher at Danish Cancer Institute

With over 10 years of experience in epidemiology, Manuella is a leading investigator in a study of the link between hearing loss and dementia conducted in the Region of Southern Denmark. Her research utilizes a comprehensive cohort encompassing all older adults living in this region, leveraging Denmark’s extensive register and clinical data.

Søren Riis, Vice President at Cochlear

Søren Riis holds a PhD in automatic speech recognition from DTU (1998) and has +20 years of experience managing hearing solution product development and research in companies like Nokia, Oticon, Oticon Medical and recently Australian based Cochlear Ltd. Throughout his career, Søren has focused extensively on industry/academic collaboration in the hearing science space, and in particular in the area of cognitive hearing science for users of both traditional hearing aids and cochlear implants. Cochlear implants are considered one of the most successful neurostimulation devices to date and has over the last 3 decades helped more than 1 million deaf people world-wide hear and take part in society with their normal hearing peers.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

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