Workshop on mapping of International Partners for Innovation in the Sound Industry

Date: 18 March 

Time: 12.00 – 16.00 (incl. lunch)

Place: Lydens Hus, Gl. Kongevej 11, 1610 København V

Language: English

Catering: Sandwiches, coffee and snacks

Format: In-person event / workshop

Price:  Free

Are you looking for international collaboration partners to accelerate product and business development in your company? Join this workshop hosted by The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) where we will gather input from Danish sound companies and shed light on the value that international collaboration can offer.  

Contact Tinne Midtgaard for request to participate: or 3049 7846

The workshop is part of a project where DTI will map the international landscape of potential partners for innovation collaborations. The purpose of this mapping is to provide the Danish sound industry with an overview of potential innovation partners within different technology fields and where to find them. The overview will be made publicly available and will make it easier and faster for Danish companies to identify and access potential new partners.

Target group:  

Professionals from companies in the Danish sound industry who are either: 

  • in the process of building stronger international network relations 
  • already have useful experiences in the field to share 

Your profile could be within sales, market development, R&D, test labs, research, supply chain, international relationship building or other. No matter your position and background, you join the workshop with the wish to share your considerations and needs in this field, as well as learn from others. 

Why should you participate? 

The workshop offers a unique opportunity for companies to contribute to the scoping of the analysis that DTI will be conducting in terms of specific technological fields or niches or in terms of specific geographic areas. Also, you get the chance to learn from the experiences of other companies with successful international partners on innovation.  

The expected outcome of the workshop is to: 

  • Create an overview of relevant potential international partners and their technological focus 
  • Share examples of successful international collaborations delivered by Danish companies that have already done it 
  • Network and sparring in a forum of peers working with similar challenges 


  • 12:00-12.30 Sign in, informal networking and sandwich 
  • 12.30-12.45 Welcome and introduction 
  • 12.45-13.30 Examples of international innovation collaboration delivered by Danish companies  
  • 13.30-13.50 Coffee break and networking opportunity 
  • 13.50-14.30 Group discussions on barriers for international innovation collaboration and niches of interest 
  • 14.30-14.50 Coffee break and networking opportunity 
  • 14.50-15.30 Plenary discussion on the knowledge needs of the Danish sound industry in terms of potential international innovation partners. 
  • 15.30-16.00 wrap up and networking 


Further steps: 

There will be an online follow-up later in the Spring 2024 where results and conclusions of the mapping will be presented. 

If you are not able to join the in-person workshop but are interested but are willing to share your perspectives in a personal interview, please reach out to Tinne Midtgaard at 

If you have questions about:   

Participants in this event automatically permit Danish Sound Cluster to use pictures and videos from the event in marketing material that promotes cluster activities. Please contact Murielle De Smedt ( in case you want to withdraw your permittance.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft 

Danish Sound Cluster

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