Microacoustics: Acoustics in small Devices with Thermoviscous Losses

When devices have geometric details comparable to the thermal and viscous boundary layers thermoviscous losses start to become important. This typically occurs in the millimeter and sub millimeter range in air, hence the name: Microacoustics.

  • What is the influence of the thermoviscous losses on the performance of a device?
  • How large are the losses?
  • Can the losses be used for improved sound control?

These questions can be answered using simulation. Typical areas of application include loudspeakers, microspeakers, hearing aids, MEMS components, microphones, perforates, meshes and many other. In traditional loudspeakers thermoviscous losses can play a role in small gaps (like in the air gap between coil and pole piece) or in the acoustic behavior of screens and mesh. Yet another example is that of a compression driver, where including the losses in the phase plug is essential to get the correct acoustic predictions.

Image from COMSOL

Form: Webinar/ Virtual Workshop

Date: 8 March 2022

Time: 13.00 – 15.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: Free 

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt, mds@danishsound.org

Participant profile:

  • Audio and Acoustic Engineers
  • Students
  • Researchers
  • Anyone wishing to get started with simulation
You will meet:

Mads Herring Jensen, Technology Manager, Acoustics, COMSOL


Thure Ralfs, Director, COMSOL




In the first part of this event, we will introduce important concepts and some background information necessary to understand the thermoviscous losses. Several examples will be used to illustrate when the losses are important, but also how simulation can be used to predict the losses. We will end the session by showing a few examples of nonlinear thermoviscous damping effects and how these can also be predicted using simulation.


The second part consists of a web-workshop where you will have the possibility to work hands-on with a COMSOL Multiphysics simulation model where thermoviscous acoustic losses are included.


Mads Herring Jensen joined COMSOL in 2011 and is the technology manager for the acoustics products. Mads has a PhD in computational fluid dynamics from the Technical University of Denmark. Before joining COMSOL, he worked in the hearing aid industry for five years as an acoustic finite element expert.

Thure Ralfs is the managing director of COMSOL’s Danish office. Before joining COMSOL in 1997, he worked with various technical software. Thure has an MSc and MBA from the Technical University of Denmark.


When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Agency for Education and Research at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

Danish Sound Cluster

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