Noise and its Effect on our Health

7th April @ 15.00 - 16.30

It is only in recent years that research has shown just how much noise has a negative impact on our health, and indeed which conditions it can cause. 

During this webinar, we will hear from 2 researchers working in different areas: Mette who has done multiple large-scale studies of the Danish population, and Kasper who is part of the ISOBEL project, which looks specifically at how to control sound exposure in a hospital environment.

Form: webinar

Date: 7th April 2022

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt,

Participant profile:

Those working

  • in hospitals
  • in the healthcare sector
  • with environmental and building acoustics
  • with acoustic treatment
  • with new solutions for noise reduction
You will meet:



Transportation Noise and Risk of Dementia and other Diseases in a Nationwide Study Covering all of Denmark Mette Sørensen

To gain more evidence on the consequences of road and railway noise on human health we have performed a study based on the entire Danish population. In total, we have estimated long-term noise exposure for 3.6 million persons aged >35 years. Join the seminar to find out whether traffic noise was a risk factor for dementia, stroke and type 2 diabetes in this huge study population.

Mette Sørensen, Danish Cancer Society

Mette Sørensen is Senior Researcher (Danish Cancer Society) and Professor (Roskilde University). She holds a MSc in human biology and a PhD in environmental epidemiology. She has many years of experience in environmental epidemiology, and has since 2010 focused on investigating health effects of traffic noise. She was among the first to publish research papers on road traffic noise and stroke, diabetes, breast cancer and dementia. Expertscape recently ranked her as the number one expert worldwide within the area of transportation noise and health.

Personalized Sound Zones in Healthcare – Enabling Control of Wanted and Unwanted Sound – Kasper Fangel Skov

The ISOBEL project develops an interactive sound zone system, responding to the need for sound exposure control, adapted to and tested within healthcare. Here, sound zone technology provides new possibilities to modify the existing soundscape by supporting patients’, relatives’ and staff’s ability to act and respond to the environment while at the same time remaining unaffected by harmful environmental noise. The project is a collaboration between Bang & Olufsen, SoundFocus and Wavecare, and Department of Electronic Systems and Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University. Funded by the Innovation Fund.

Kasper Fangel Skov, ISOBEL project

Kasper Fangel Skov is a PhD Fellow within the user research component of the ISOBEL project (Aalborg University). He holds a MSc in Audio Design (Aarhus University). He has been engaged in developing novel audio technologies, designing sound environments, and exploring new listening experiences.

Morten Roar Berg, Ecophon Saint-Gobain

Morten Roar Berg is a global concept developer at Ecophon St. Gobain, and is passionate about supporting the creation of sound and sustainable human habitats. He believes that sound and acoustics are greatly underappreciated in modern society, and that everyone must learn to understand, appreciate and factor sound into their cities, buildings, organizations and actions as well as products – from the craftsmen, to the designers and all the way to the politicians.

Morten will be our moderator for this webinar.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Agency for Education and Research at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE.

This event was created in collaboration with IDA Bioscience. The participant list of this event will be shared with IDA for statistical use only. 

Danish Sound Cluster

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