Tinnitus Seminar – a day of knowledge sharing between world leading researchers and the sound and hearing industry


Project title: Tinnitus Seminar – a day of knowledge sharing between world leading researchers and the sound and hearing industry 

Description – Vision and purpose: 

Tinnitus is a complex, yet widespread problem affecting the quality of life of an increasing part of the population. Despite the diversity of treatment solutions offered, there seems to only be ways to create relief, but no real cure for the patients. Moreover, the complexity of the condition contributes to a general lack of understanding of tinnitus in the industry, research, clinics, and society as a whole. 

In 2024, Danish Sound Cluster has engaged leading industry and academic partners in fruitful discussions and a shared wish to change this situation. As a result, the project group decided to organize a seminar hosted by DTU. Through lectures and discussions, participants had the opportunity to learn from the latest research and help shape the future steps in tinnitus research. Furthermore, the seminar provided a unique chance to connect and interact in person with some of the leading experts in the field. 



Start: 1 September 2024 

Seminar day: 24th September  

End: 30 September 2024 

Funding: 50.000 DKK 

Partners industry:


GN Hearing



Lead Research:

Torsten Dau and Mie Lærkegaard Jørgensen

Danish Technical University (DTU) 

Danish Sound Cluster professional focus area:

Environmental Sound Solutions (Acoustics)

Event link: 


Funded by Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen

Danish Sound Cluster contact person:

Project Manager Tinne Midtgaard, tm@danishsound.org – tlf. 3049 7846

Danish Sound Cluster

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