VR Sound Workshop

24th February - 13.00 - 16.00

Aalborg University Copenhagen
Frederikskaj 12, building B room 3.05
2450 København

Price: Free

Limited spaces available

The brilliant team at the Multisensory Experience Lab at Aalborg University in Copenhagen will host a special workshop for those wishing to get started with VR. 

Photo: Minh Pham – Unsplash

What is the multisensory experience lab? 

The Multisensory Experience Lab (ME-Lab) is based at Aalborg University Copenhagen. Our work is centered on the use of multisensory technologies (e.g., virtual and augmented reality) and falls into three broad categories:

  • Basic research: We aim to improve multisensory technology and understand its users (e.g. perception, cognition, and affect).
  • Applied research:  We aim to assist and empower specific user groups by means of multisensory technology.
  • Art and culture:  We aim to explore new forms of artistic expression and preserve cultural heritage using multisensory technology.

We are particularly interested in researching topics related to sonic interaction design for multimodal environments, simulating walking experiences, sound rendering and spatialization, haptic interfaces, cinematic VR and evaluation of user experience in multimodal environments.

Click here to read more. 

What will we do during the workshop? 

We will create a 3D sound environment that can be experienced with an Oculus Quest 2.

Who is this workshop for? 

Sound professionals and students who want to get started with VR.

What do I need to take part? 

Bring your own laptop with Unity installed.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the break. 

How do I sign up? 

Space in the lab is limited, so make sure to sign up in good time. A confirmation mail will be sent to you shortly after registration.

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt, mds@danishsound.org


Sign up

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse and Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft 

Danish Sound Cluster

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