Reverberation Time, Room Treatment & Measurement of Material Absorption

Date: 23 April 2024

Time: 11.00 – 16.00

Format: In-person event

Place: Sound Hub Denmark, Peter Bangs Vej 17 – 7600 Struer

Price: Free for Danish Sound Cluster members (guests are welcome)

Language: English (and Danish)

Catering: Sandwich, coffee and snacks

What is optimum room treatment? Should we measure? How do we measure? And how do we pair acoustic surfaces to an acoustical room problem? These are questions many of us are asking in our field of creating ideal room acoustics. Join this network group meeting, meet peers who share the passion for better sound solutions and learn more about these questions! 

Registration deadline: 18 April

At the event, Sound Hub Denmark experts and other network members will give us a deeper understanding of the properties of acoustic materials and how room acoustics are influenced by the sound absorbers and diffusers we use. The day will vary between talks, lab visits, demonstrations, and tests sessions – with plenty of time for discussion and exchange of knowledge and experiences. You will also have an opportunity to try out acoustic testing of different surfaces, as well as have your material sample tested, so don’t forget to bring an absorber you want to test (20x20cm or larger)! Also, Christina Kjær will share findings from her recent master’s project in Architectural and Acoustic Engineering regarding auralisations. 


  • Welcome and “network check-in”, Sine Lomholt Thomsen, Danish Sound Cluster 
  • Introduction to Sound Hub Denmark, by host Peter Petersen 
  • Talk and Q&A, Christina Kjær: Subjective evaluation of acoustic simulations. How authentic are auralisations, and what impacts the audio characteristics?
  • Lunch 
  • Reverberation time, room acoustics & requirements, theory, and case stories – How acoustic insight can improve project economy and the end results, Peter Chapman 
  • Measuring reverberation time – in-situ, fast, easy and for everyone. Demonstration by Michael Trolle 
  • In parallel, then repeating:  
    • ISO measurement of Absorption Coefficients, examples of acoustic treatment at SHD and in Sound Art Lab studios – from paper to reality, Peter Chapman 
    • Mini workshop: Smart and easy ways to measure material absorption properties – also in-situ measurements, Michael Trolle 
  • Wrap up, discussion and next meeting 

You will meet:  

Peter Petersen 

CEO at Sound Hub Denmark and among others former CTO at Bang & Olufsen. 


Christina Kjær 

Master of Science, Architectural and Acoustic Engineering, graduated from DTU in February 2024 with the Master’s thesis: “Perceptual Evaluation of Auralizations Using Different Acoustic Simulations”. Since 2021, Christina has worked at the SenseLab at FORCE Technology, and recently, she has been the project manager at the “Architecture x Acoustics” project. 


Peter Chapman 

Owner PC Sound & Acoustics. Peter is an engineer in Electroacoustics with 25 years of industry experience with Bang & Olufsen, Harman Professional and as a self-employed engineer and consultant. He regularly measures acoustic materials and consults on building projects from private homes, to local councils, to 25Mkr builds. 


Michael Trolle 

Owner of VibrAkustik. With a background in renowned Danish companies and manufacturers within audio products and sensors, Michael has a unique experience in many types of solutions starting with a microphone. From years at Brüel & Kjær, DPA Microphones and G.R.A.S. and several other partnerships, Michael knows his way around solutions for general acoustics, building acoustics, audio test, sound & vibration measurements, acoustic detection and relevant sensors. He is curious about physics and techniques, and eager to extend his knowledge to anyone interested in discussing relevant topics, challenges and solutions.  

For more information on this network group: 

Peter Petersen – Sound Hub Denmark

Christina Kjær – DTU

Peter Chapman – PC Sound & Acoustics

Michael Trolle – VibrAkustik

If you have questions about:  

  • Signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt at : 
  • The content of this network meeting or your participant profile, please contact Sine Lomholt Thomsen at

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft 

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