Startup pitch battle
- Edo Fouilloux, Patch XR
- Jacob U Ahlers, VibroAcoustics
- Jon Strunge, Naturpladen
- Nicolai Dyre Bülow, µVox
Jury: Kim Rishøj, Kirsten Lynge and René Giese
Winner: Jon Strunge, Naturpladen

Research pitch battle
- Silje Marie Schjødt, Aarhus University,Sandthesizer
- Mindaugas Dambrauskas, Aalborg University, Music and Noise. Feasibility study of preproduced music that incorporates noise from hospital’s Intensive Care Unit
- Daniel Michelsanti, Aalborg University, Vision-Assisted Hearing Aid Systems
Jury: Søren Bech, Anthea Bott and Tobias Neher
Winner: Silje Marie Schjødt, Aarhus University,Sandthesizer

Danish Sound Award
DPA Microphones was awarded with the Danish Sound Award (Dansk Lydpris) for 2022. The prize was handed over by Mads Jakobsen, Mayor for Struer (Lydens By).
DPA Microphones was represented by CEO Kalle Hvidt Nielsen and Vice President Marketing Anne Berggrein

Danish Sound Award
Stefania Serafin and Dorte Hammerhoi, both professors at Aalborg University, were awarded with the Danish Sound Award (Dansk Lydpris) for the years 2020 and 2021. The prizes were handed over by John Fogde, Director for Struer Lydens By (in the picture it is Torben Vilsgaard, Danish Sound Cluster, holding the Sound Award)

The speakers’ presentations
Here soone will come the presentations that we have been permitted to share publicly. We continuously update the uploads:
- Ena Nielsen, Associate Director, Ida Institute – upload PDF here
- Stefania Serafin, Professor, AAU – upload PDF here
- Marie Koldkjær Højlund, Assistant Professors, AU & Morten Breinbjerg, Associate Professors, AU – upload PDF here
- Sean Olive, Senior Fellow at HARMAN International and former president of AES – upload PDF here
Digital version of the sound industry analysis
Get the digital version of the Danish Sound industry 2022 analyses by clicking HERE
Thanks to all of you who contributed to an inspiring and sparkling Danish Sound Day!
Speakers, exhibitors, pitch battle participants & jury members, musicians, DTU staff – and all other participants joining this networking day.
Click HERE for the short version program of the day.
Participants from a broad spectrum of the sound industry
More than 70 organisations were represented at the annual sound conference.