Sound Tech Investor Day

Date: 26 September 2024

Time: 13.30 – 19.00

Place: Sonic College,  Universitetsparken 2, 6000 Kolding

Price: free

Language: English 

Format: In-person event

Catering: Coffee, cake, drinks, snacks

Join this event where investors, startup supporters and startups at all stages meet and strengthen their network within the eco system for sound tech startup entrepreneurship.  

At the startup pitch sessions, you will hear selected investor cases. Furthermore, the sound tech investor day will give you: 

  • Valuable insights in the deep competences and business potentials of the sound industry 
  • The opportunity to spot the upcoming trends at the scene of sound tech entrepreneurship 
  • Inspiration in personal stories shared by startups and investors 
  • A sneak peek of the facilities of Sonic College and guided tours by sound design students 
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded people passionate about sound 

Target group

  • Business angels and private investors interested in sound tech startups 
  • Potential profiles for mentorships or (advisory) boards 
  • Startups (Danish and international) ready for investment, no matter the age of VAT no. 
  • Startups or entrepreneurs (Danish and international), not yet ready for investment, but eager to be part of the eco system 


 13.30-14.00: Sign up & coffee  


14:40: Pitch session #1 

  1. O-Kube
  2. Componental
  3. BeMajor
  4. Freqport

Break & networking coffee + visit startup stands 

16:00 The Return Trip from Founder to Investor – Brian Møller, CTO, Vokalo

16:30 Pitch session #2 

  1. Upsound
  2. Scandyna
  3. Freedrum
  4. IDUN audio

Break, networking drink and visit startup stands, and guided tours at Sonic College by event host 

19:00 Wrap up and see you next time! 


When you sign up, you agree that we’ll share the attendee list with our event partners and you’ll start getting our newsletter. You can unsubscribe whenever you want.

You also give Danish Sound Cluster permittance to use pictures and videos from the event in marketing material that promotes our activities. Please contact Murielle De Smedt ( in case you want to withdraw this permittance.

If you have questions about:   

  • Signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt at: 
  • The content of this event, your participant profile or if you want to pitch for potential investors, please contact Tinne Midtgaard at 
Danish Sound Cluster

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