Creating sound for VR applications

30 september, 2021 @ 15.00 - 17.00

Join our webinar and get inspired about the possibilities with audio in VR. Hear from the experts about VR research as well as the commercial and artistic applications of the technology. There will be live demonstrations, so make sure you have your best headphones at the ready!

Photo: Minh Pham – Unsplash

Form: webinar

Date: 30 september 2021

Time: 15.00 – 17.00

Place: Online via Zoom

Participation link will be sent to you.

Price: free

Language: English



  • Stefania Serafin will present an overview of the different technologies and applications of interactive audio in VR.

  • Finnur Pind from Treble Technologies will present simulation-based 3D audio implementation of VR for use in room acoustics and building design and some real-life cases with DTU, Henning Larsen and other collaborators. You will be able to listen to auralizations (audio demonstrations) of the technology during the webinar. (25 mins)

  • Following the online publication of his exposition in J.A.R. (Journal for Artistic Research) in June 2021, Yann Coppier will expose some of his artistic practice with virtual reality as a way to prototype and document sound art, using some specific recording technique developed during his years as head of the Sound line at The Danish National School of Performing Arts. Furthermore, he will present a possible reverse link between reality and virtual reality as part of his research on Absurd sounds, and expand on the implications such a link might have for sound art in a near future. (to read the publication) (Yann Coppier’s website)

There will be time for questions and discussion after each presentation.  

Participant profile:

  • Audio and music producers
  • Those working on VR related software and products
  • Architects, designers, planners
  • Artists interested in VR technology
  • Everybody else interested in this fascinating topic!
You will meet:

If you have any questions regarding sign-up, please contact Murielle De Smedt,

Stefania has a PhD in Computer Music theory and Acoustics from Stanford University. Stefania is a professor and head of the Multisensory Experience Lab at Aalborg Uni in Copenhagen, and also the president of the Sound and Music Computing Network, as well as project leader of the Nordic Sound and Music Computing network 

Finnur Pind is the CEO and founder of Treble Technologies. His main areas of interest include acoustics simulations, spatial audio, computational mathematics, software engineering, signal processing, architectural acoustics, and virtual reality. Treble Technologies is developing the next generation sound simulation technology enabling designers of the built environment to create a better sounding world.

After 6 years as head of the sound line at the Danish National School of Performing Arts, Yann is currently developing artistic research and sound art around what he calls “absurd sounds”, focusing on timbre, meaning and space. The founder of the company  Studio Ovale, he is a composer, producer, engineer, journalist, researcher and teacher, and has won several international prizes for his work.

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Danish Sound Cluster

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