Assessing Real-life User Experience to Improve Hearing Technology

Much like with any other modern product, consumer needs can be learned by studying users and their experience while using a product. If learning user behaviour with consumer products is important, then it is crucial with products where the user’s health and wellbeing depend on it – such as with hearing aids. In this webinar we will explore 3 studies to understand hearing aid user behaviour, to help improve the use of hearing technology.

Picture: Zoe Graham – Unsplah

Form: webinar

Date: 31 January 2023

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt,

Webinar hosted in partnership with:

Participant profile:

  • Researchers
  • Acoustics engineers
  • Acousticians
  • Audiologists
  • Technical Audiologists
  • Machine learning/ AI Engineers
  • DSP Engineers
  • Audio/ Sound engineers
  • Hearing aid users
  • Audio Enthusiasts

You will meet:



Hearing aids are complex technological products. Such a small piece of technology and yet so many variables. Within a hearing aid there are several functionalities e.g., diverse audio algorithms/ features, rationales, user programs, vent sizes, receiver response/ power, complex fittings, different physical hearing aid styles and more. As if that were not complicated enough, the hearing world and its infinite hearing situations are a complete sonic maze – being the cocktail party effect the minotaur you would rather avoid contact with (but in the end you must face it anyway). In one way or another, all these variables contribute to the user experience, the sound, and the daily experience of living with hearing aids in the ears throughout the entire day. Ecological momentary assessments are often used to evaluate hearing aids in real life. There are different approaches to using EMAs to study how users experience and tweak their hearing aid. In this webinar we will explore 3 EMA studies conducted by Aalborg University, Eriksholm Research Center and WSAudiology.

Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld, Research Audiologist at WSAudiology

Nadja’s main research focus is on Ecological Momentary Assessment and evaluating hearing aids in real life. Nadja is a neuroscientist with a physics background who is specialized in audio quality evaluation of coded signals. Her research interests and expertise include audio quality assessment, human psychophysics, experimental design planning and statistical analysis, neuronal networks, statistical modeling, machine learning and human-computer interaction. In addition, Nadja has been project manager for international listening test projects, in China and in the UK.

Nadja Schninkel-Bielefeld

Rodrigo Ordoñez, Associate Professor at Aalborg University

Rodrigo studied Acoustic Engineering in the Universidad Austral de Chile. He later moved to Denmark to study his Masters in Aalborg University. His Ph.D. aimed at investigating the temporary effects on hearing produced by intense sound exposures. Rodrigo teaches in the master program in acoustics and undergraduate programs in electronic engineering and engineering psychology, both as a lecturer and a supervisor. His research has been centred in assessment of hearing thresholds and otoacoustic emissions, measurement of sound exposure and calibration of electro-acoustic systems.

Rodrigo Ordoñez

Josefine Munch Sørensen, Scientist at Eriksholm Research Centre

Josefine is an accomplished young scientist who has been researching, teaching, and working with some of the most prominent institutions and companies in the sound industry. Josefine holds a PhD and her research aimed at investigating temporal dynamics in conversations between two or more people to advance our fundamental understanding of how hearing loss influences communication. Josefine did a half-year research internship with Meta Reality Labs and built a high-precision multimodal behavioural capture system for recording voice, pupil dilations, gaze, and head and torso motion from several people simultaneously.

A. Josefine Munch Sørensen

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

This event was created in collaboration with IDA Fremtidsteknologi. The participant list of this event will be shared with IDA for statistical use only. 

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