"Auracast is the Future of Audio!"

Exploring cultural consequence and use of headsets and hearables 

Bluetooth technology and wireless audio solutions like Auracast has been here for a while and is very well known to your average engineer and audio product specialist. But what about your average consumer? How far are we from implementing Auracast in society and everyday use, and how is the technology integrated in new audio products? And lastly, will your average consumer ever embrace audio consumption with Auracast, and what does it mean for our culture and well-being?

That will be the discussion at this webinar with the independent engineer and Auracast developer Nick Hunn, Auracast product developer Thomas Olsgaard and York University Professor in sound and computing Damian Murphy.

Unsplash, Mika Baumeister

Date: 25 September 2024

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Form: Online (Zoom)

Price: Free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt: mds@danishsoundcluster.dk

You will meet:

Participant profile: 

Hearing aid professionals, audiologists, audio engineers, product developers, business managers, speech and communication professionals.


You will meet:

Nick Hunn, CTO at Wifore

Technology strategist, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author with a broad view of the detail of technologies, the user experience and wider interplay of different market solutions. Nick has developed products as diverse as laser gyroscopes, sperm and embryo freezers and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi adaptors, always trying to understand and communicate why technology benefits the user.

Currently helping develop the next generation of low power Bluetooth audio, which will enable a new product segment of “hearables” (a name I coined early in 2014), and assisting a number of established companies and start-ups to develop compelling products and business models in the wearable, IoT and smart home arena.

Damian Murphy is Professor in Sound and Music Computing in the AudioLab at York University where his research focuses on the development and creative application of immersive audio and virtual acoustic modelling – to better understand our sound environment. He has been principal investigator on a number of AHRC and EPSRC projects securing more than £20m in funding and publishing over 200 journal articles, conference papers and books in the area.

He is the Director of the XR Stories Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Creative Industries R&D Partnership exploring the next generation of interactive and immersive storytelling for the UK’s creative screen industries. Damian is also a visiting lecturer at the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing at KTH, Stockholm, where he specializes in spatial audio and acoustics – as well as occasional visits at MgGill University, Canada and Aalto University, Finland.

Thomas Olsgaard is the Principal Engineer at GN Hearing, specializing in new product development using wireless solutions, where he is also responsible of standardization and new technology access. With close to 20 years’ experience at GN Hearing and a 10 year long background at Nokia as Head of Strategy and Operational development, Thomas has a rich experience in the field of audio consumption and use of new technology in audio products.

This event was created in collaboration with IDA – The Danish Association of Engineers. The participant list of this event will be shared with IDA for statistical use only. 

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

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