Emerging Acoustic Sensor Technologies and Applications

Sensors are at the forefront of hardware innovation, shaping the way devices are used nowadays. It’s no different with audio devices – what used to be very one-dimensional a few years ago now comes with all kinds of integrated sensors for different purposes that have a dramatic impact on the audio experience and how these technologies can be used on our daily lives. In this webinar we will explore new and alternative acoustic sensor technologies and their applications.  

Photo: George Prentzas – Unsplash

Form: webinar

Date: 14 March 2023

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt, mds@danishsound.org

Webinar hosted in partnership with:

Participant profile:

  • Researchers
  • Acoustics engineers
  • Acousticians
  • Electronic Engineers
  • Technical Audiologists
  • Machine learning/ AI Engineers
  • DSP Engineers
  • Audio/ Sound engineers
  • Audio Enthusiasts

You will meet:



Sensors are what give our machines ears, eyes, touch, movement, and much more. Moreover, in this day and age, data is at the core of every technology and business. Besides the obvious digitally generated data/ metadata, where else is data coming from? Sensors. If you can sense/ measure, you can quantify. If you can quantify, you can generate (and store) data. If you generate (and store) meaningful data – congratulations, your technology is potentially useful (and profitable). Most importantly, because there are so many signals that can be measured, both in the human body and in the external world, the technological possibilities for different types of sensors are endless. This webinar explores new acoustic sensor technologies and other parallel sensor technologies that are being used for sound applications. 

Sergi Rotger-Griful, Principal Scientist at Eriksholm Research Centre, Oticon A/S 

 Sergi Rotger-Griful is a Principal Scientist at Eriksholm Research Centre, Oticon A/S. Sergi is an electrical engineer and holds a PhD in computer engineering within sensor technology.  

Sergi’s research mainly focuses on the use of novel sensor technology in hearing devices with a twofold objective: gain understanding on the environment the user is located in and infer the end-user’s intent. 

Sergi Rotger-Griful

Rémi Guastavino, Director of Product Management at GRAS Sound & Vibration 

Rémi Guastavino was born and raised in France but relocated to Sweden to study at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) where he earned an MSc in Engineering Physics and a PhD in technical acoustics.

Rémi then moved to Denmark where he focused on user-centric acoustic solutions working in both technical and strategical positions. He joined GRAS in 2021 and has since focused on the both the technical and user-related aspects of next-generation acoustic transducers.

Rémi Guastavino

Dion de Roo, Head of Pre- Development at Sonion 

Dion de Roo is responsible for Pre- Development at Sonion, a manufacturer of transducers and sensors. Awarded with his MSc in Applied Physics from Delft University of Technology (1998). Dion has been working within sensor technologies in Sonion for nearly 25 years. Dion holds 6 patents within microphone design, mechanics, wind noise suppression and directionality. Dion is one of the specialists behind the new BiometRIC technology developed by Sonion. 

Dion de Roo

Marie-Stephanie Winkler, Senior Product Manager at Sonion 

Awarded with her MSc from Technische Universität Berlin in Engineering science, Technical Acoustics & Fluid Dynamics (2014), Marie has been working within acoustics consultancy (Müller-BBM), product development and design within hearing (MED-EL) and now sensor technologies with Sonion. Marie is one of the specialists behind the new Voice PickUp technology developed by Sonion. Sonion is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of components for hearing aids. 

Marie-Stephanie Winkler

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

This event was created in collaboration with IDA Fremtidsteknologi. The participant list of this event will be shared with IDA for statistical use only. 

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