Spatial Sound Technologies for Binaural Applications

11th January 2022 @ 16.00 - 17.30

Spatial audio technologies have existed for decades but it has become a hot topic once again, especially since the introduction of Dolby Atmos to Apple music and the increased use of AR and VR applications. Join us to hear from 3 of the industry’s experts who are working with immersive audio in different ways: with content, products and integrated software. 3 great talks and no doubt an interesting discussion as well!

Form: webinar

Date: 11th January 2022

Time: 16.00 – 17.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt,

Participant profile:

  • Those interested in working with spatial audio
  • Those working in product development
  • Those working with AR/VR applications
  • Sound engineers/producers 
You will meet:



Immersive music is very much driven by Apple and Dolby Atmos. But however, it’s finally a binaural audio reproduction. Creating binaural audio is not new but there are new creation tools and strategies beyond Dolby Atmos which opens a door into a breathtaking new and emotional audio experience. The presentation will offer an insight into these new tasks.

Grammy-nominated music producer, Tom Ammermann, began his journey as a musician and music producer in the 1980s.

At the turn of the 21st Century, Tom produced unique surround audio productions for music and film projects as well as pioneering the very first surround mixes for headphones, which quickly established his brand Headphone Surround 3D and reputation as an immersive audio producer. Tom is currently working on developing new technologies in spatial audio whilst offering workshops and presentations at high-profile international audio conferences.

References: Terminator 2, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Expendables I-III, 5th Element and Kraftwerk 3D.


Enabling dynamic spatial audio on wireless headphones

When listening with headphones, all the sound is inside the head, which is a very unnatural experience. This can be alleviated by processing the sound in a way that resembles listening in real life. By applying binaural sound reproduction technology, the sound can be perceived in space around the listener, opening a new dimension. This well-known technology has now moved from the lab and can be used for VR/AR applications such as listening to music, movies, gaming, phone calls, online meetings and navigation. There are great possibilities for enhancing stereo content, as stereo is by far the most used format. However, many multi-channel reproduction use cases are also arising. By processing the sound inside the headphones (rather than on another device), the latency is very low and a high-quality wireless listening experience including head-tracking is possible. A complete VR/AR audio engine that uses low processing power is implemented, meaning the headphone is free for use across all playback devices. 

Pauli Minnaar has been fascinated with how we as humans perceive sound in three-dimensional space for more than 25 years. During his MSc degree at Southampton University (UK) he investigated binaural recordings, and he implemented a real-time interactive binaural synthesis system using fast head tracking during his PhD from Aalborg University (DK). After being assistant professor at Aalborg University, he continued to apply spatial audio technologies to loudspeaker systems, headphones, mobile phones, car audio, military applications and hearing aids. Currently he is CEO at the startup company IDUN audio, which creates interactive spatial audio software, running inside headphones, for improving everyday listening situations. He strongly believes that allowing listeners to move their heads in the sound field is essential for perceiving the simulated acoustical environment correctly. 

Hannes Gamper

With the advent of mixed and virtual reality devices and applications, spatial sound technology has seen broader adoption. This talk gives a brief overview of some recent spatial sound work done at Microsoft Research.

Hannes Gamper is a member of the Audio and Acoustics Research Group at Microsoft Research. He has helped ship spatial sound technologies in Microsoft HoloLens and Windows 10.


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