Digital product pass & LCA Sustainability network meeting
Date: 14 March 2024
Time: 13.00 – 15.00
Format: Online Teams meeting – link will be sent upon meeting day
Price: Free for Danish Sound Cluster members and guests are welcome
Language: English
Join peers working with sustainability in leading Danish sound tech companies and learn more about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the digital product pass (DPP).
Massimo Pizzol will present the PLAN department and DCEA research group (Aalborg University) and in particular share his experience with working with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to support design processes and improvements of environmental performance in various industries. An overview of case studies and research project examples, as well as teaching ones, will be provided to the audience to give an idea of what applications can be found for LCA. Moreover, Massimo will present his reflections on the advantages and limitations of using LCA as a quantitative tool for sustainability assessment of products.
Louise Bünemann from DI (Confederation of Danish Industry) will shed light ondigital product pass (DPP) and try to answer questions like: What is a DPP, and what are the underlying ambitions? How will it affect daily operations of the consumer electronics industry. How will it affect product development, strategic priorities, reporting, and more? Are there specific problems to deal with as a SME?