Danish Sound Innovation Collaborations 2022

The cluster is all about creating synergies and new innovation opportunities between existing Danish sound organizations, academia and companies of all sizes. As a non-profit organisation, we are focused on creating that value at an abstract/ community level, but we also do it under more concrete parameters i.e. in the form of innovation projects. This webinar explores 4 of the innovation projects realised in 2022 with DTU and Aalborg University. The webinar takes a deeper dive into the topic details, explores what has been achieved and learned within our innovation framework together with our various project partners. 

Photo: Danish Sound Cluster

Form: webinar

Date: 21 March 2023

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Place: Online via Zoom

Price: free

Language: English

If you have questions about signing up, please contact Murielle De Smedt, mds@danishsound.org

Webinar hosted in partnership with:

Participant profile:

  • Researchers
  • Acoustics engineers
  • Acousticians
  • Audiologists
  • Technical Audiologists
  • Machine learning/ AI Engineers
  • DSP Engineers
  • Audio/ Sound engineers
  • Hearing aid users
  • Audio Enthusiasts

You will meet:



  • Interactive auditory virtual reality using reduced order modelling: CLICK HERE
  • Games to train hearing impaired individuals: CLICK HERE
  • Cathedra, auditory lounger: CLICK HERE
  • Physics-informed neural networks for sound field reconstruction CLICK HERE

Cheol-Ho Jeong, Associate Professor at DTU 

Cheol-Ho holds his MSc degree (2002) and his PhD degree (2007) in Mechanical Engineering from KAIST, South Korea, on room acoustic simulations. He has been assistant and associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark since 2007. He has published over 60 ISI-indexed journal articles and 120 conference papers. His research interest covers room acoustics, computational room acoustics, virtual reality, acoustic boundary modelling and characterization, sound field characterization, model order reduction, and data-driven techniques, multi-modal perception evaluation, and acoustic metamaterials. Cheol-Ho has been appointed Lecturer of the year by the DTU student’s union Polyteknisk Forening 2 years in a row, receiving this prestigious award for his excellent teaching in the MSc courses Architectural acoustics and Building acoustics, a part of the MSc programme in Engineering Acoustics given by the DTU Acoustics Technology group. 

Cheol-Ho Jeong

Stefania Serafin, Full Professor and Head of Multisensory Experience Lab at Aalborg University 

Stefania Serafin completed her master’s degree in acoustics, computer science and signal processing applied to music, from IRCAM(Paris) in 1997. Following, she received her PhD in computer-based music theory and acoustics from Stanford University in 2004. In 2018, Stefania Serafin was employed as professor at the Department of Architecture, Design and Media technology at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. Before becoming a professor Serafin worked as an associate professor and lecturer, also at Aalborg University.[4] As a researcher, her focus lies on sound models and sound design for interactive media and multimodal interfaces. Serafin holds the position as president of the organization, Sound and Music Computing Network, which is a portal for the sound and music computing community. Also, she is the project leader of ‘The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network (NordicSMC)’, which is a university hub for sound and music computing lead by the fields internationally leading researchers from the Nordic countries.  

Stefania Serafin

Jeremy Marozeau, Associate Professor at DTU 

Jeremy is the leader of “Music and Cochlear Lab” within the Department of Health Technology of DTU. He received a BEng degree in 1999 in Microtechnology Engineering from Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), an MSc degree in 2000 in Acoustics and Signal Processing Applied to Music and a Ph.D. in 2004 from the Institute for Research and Coordination Acoustic Music (IRCAM) and the University of Paris VI. After working at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, Marseille) on modeling the loudness of impulsive sounds, he continued his research on loudness as a Research Associate at Northeastern University, Boston, in 2005. Three years later, he worked as a senior researcher at the Bionics Institute in Melbourne to improve music perception for cochlear implants users. In 2014, he joined the Hearing Systems Group at DTU as an Associate Professor. Jeremy’s research specialization is focused on music perception in cochlear implant recipients. 

Jeremy Marozeau

Efren Fernandez-Grande, Associate Professor at DTU 

Efren Fernandez-Grande (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in telecommunication engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), in 2006, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in acoustics from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship from the Danish Council for Independent Research, from 2013 to 2015. He is an Associate Professor with the Acoustic Technology Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, DTU. He teaches several courses in physical acoustics and signal processing. Since 2018, he has been the Head of the M.Sc. in engineering acoustics with DTU. His research interests include signal processing for source identification and localization, sound radiation, acoustic holography, and spatial audio. He is a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and a VILLUM Young Investigator Fellow. 

Efren Fernandez-Grande

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the Innovation Power Project, which is funded by the Danish Business Promotion Board and the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science at a standard rate. Read more about Innovationskraft  HERE

This event was created in collaboration with IDA Fremtidsteknologi. The participant list of this event will be shared with IDA for statistical use only. 

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Danish Sound Cluster

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